Traveling Girls!!!
Hello, fellow travelers! We would appreciate it if you would tell us a vauge overview of any cool place that you or some one you know has visited!!! We're interested! Tell us any crazy travel stories, experiences and more! Thanks and happy traveling!
3/14/2011 09:12:08 am here's a funny travel story for you...a couple of years ago i was in North Carolina with my sisters and the oldest of our terrible trio decided to throw my bathing suit out of the window, was like 6:30 am and out the window my bathing suit goes. anyway,she climbed out the window of our rental house right on the beach just as some poor old couple walked past! they just gave her a look lik "what the heeeeeeck!!!" it was definately a vacation i'll never forget!

5/19/2011 09:14:35 am

I really enjoy this site! You guys are brilliant!


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